Why a Grant Could Solve Your Business Growth Problems

Digital development grantResistance to the digital age can cost your business dearly. Technology, software and App developments are coming at us a rapid rate. To stay up-to-date you could get a government grant to solve your business growth problems.

Watching this unfold in the business community from my vantage point as an accountant, I’m going to make a bold prediction: Business owners who are staying in the current orbit of their existing financial and job administration practices are missing out on incredible opportunities to grow their business.

Getting help from Government to build your business

The Queensland Government is offering millions of dollars through grant funding to help small business develop growth strategies and move into the digital age. Every year they are offering grants for this purpose and the next funding rounds will be open in a few weeks time. Watch this space for more news…

Grants can help you build more capacity for your business, eg helping you to put on an apprentice or employ more staff. For example, support payments of up to $20,000 are available for eligible employers who hire eligible unemployed jobseekers under the Back to Work SEQ program.

There are hundreds of grant programs available across Australia. They all have specific eligibility criteria which you must meet in order to qualify. Many of them have upper funding limits and ask you to match the funding for which you’re applying.

Leveraging expert knowledge to develop your business

For business owners who want to develop their operational and financial management structures, there are grant opportunities available as well. Depending on the growth plan you’ve devised, you can approach expert service providers to help you implement a project for which you’ve developed the grant application. It makes things easier to successfully manage a grant acquittal if you have financial systems that help you monitor and support the growth phase.

Growing a business is also about learning how to manage a business better by keeping the finger on the pulse. Let’s say you have been successful in getting a grant to move your business into the digital age. During the implementation of the funded project you will be able to learn directly from experts in the field, and the government grant will pay for part of it. Sound interesting? Contact us to find out more.

Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.