21 cashflow strategies to maximise profit

Access 21 Cash Flow Strategies to Boost Your Business

Don’t miss out on the free cash that is available to your business’ bank account.

You don’t need to struggle with low cash reserves any more. This excellent book, full of the top tips used and recommended by A D Hamilton & Associates brings in cash to your bank account fast.

Take the case of a builder client we worked with. He was simply ‘flying blind’ and was busy being busy. He didn’t know his numbers, didn’t know what was coming in and going out across his many projects. Even his (then, current) accountant didn’t know what he had to do. His business had grown exponentially and he employed more people, but didn’t have the financial systems in place to manage the additional bookkeeping that comes with more projects and more staff. As a result, he had no money in the bank to pay his staff and bills. His invoicing was late and therefore payment for his work was delayed.

The good news is, by using our cash flow strategies, he improved his financial position, saw more cash in his bank account and got systems in place to manage his cash flow, so he was back in control and not stressed any more.

See the simple solutions to solving your stress and cash issues.arrow

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