Using social media? Be aware of tax scams!

The ATO has advised that, in the lead up to tax time, it’s important to be aware of what taxpayers share on social media.

Note that scammers may also try to impersonate a tax agent (or their practice) and try to trick recipients into providing personal information or to release funds.

The ATO recommends that all taxpayers:

  • ensure their computer security systems are up to date and they are protected against cyber attacks;
    keep personal information secure (including user IDs, passwords, AUSkeys, TFNs); and
  • do not click on downloads, hyperlinks or open attachments in unsolicited or unfamiliar e-mails, SMS or social media.

Editor: Call our office if you think you’ve received a suspicious e-mail claiming to be from us or the ATO.


Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.