ATO November 2019 bushfire assistance

ATO logoFollowing the devastating bushfires across large parts of NSW and Queensland in November, the ATO has offered ongoing support.

In particular, a specific helpline (1800 806 218) has been established that can be used by those impacted to seek assistance, such as to:

  • obtain extra time to pay tax debt or lodge tax forms;
  • obtain assistance in finding lost TFNs;
  • obtain re-issued income tax returns, activity statements and notices of assessment;
  • obtain assistance in re-constructing tax records that are lost or damaged;
  • have any refunds owed fast tracked;
  • negotiate payment plans tailored to individual circumstances (including interest-free periods); and
  • negotiate the remission of penalties or interest charged during the time a taxpayer has been affected.

Editor: Should you find yourself impacted by a natural disaster, even an alternative disaster to the November 2019 bushfires, please contact our office so we can provide you with any additional assistance you may need at this difficult time.

Ref: ATO website, 21 November 2019

Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.